Tuesday, 23 November 2010


etched and cut lino / 30 x 30cm
I am working on a pair of images for the Freud Museum show next year. I want the work to reference a 'mother' and 'father' relationship. I am using found images for the male and female characters, and found zinc plates to introduce an element of random mark making into the images.

Bridge - west

etched and cut lino / 56 x 56cm

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Bridge - west

Another version ... this one's a bit apocalyptic

Monday, 24 May 2010

Unremembered Dream

Working hard at the studio on some BIG prints (well, big for me anyway). Have to do some A1 or A0 pieces for a show in Italy. Here is a work in progress – Unremembered Dream (93cm x63cm) – a reworking of an older image. I am virtually mono-printing these days, the versatility of the lino is too tempting. I am rubbing off ink, and using cloth to give me textures, so each print is unique.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


New lino print 56 x 56cm

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Monday, 8 March 2010

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Worlds Apart

Two block linoprint, one etched, one cut... I am fascinated by how the two techniques play together... 51 x 35cm
Another older piece... linocut. I love the colour, it's very warming. Unremembered Dream. 32 x 25cm

Bridge - east

View looking east from Waterloo Bridge... (best bridge views I think). I am working on the west view at the moment.
56 x 56cm

Human Resources

Newish linocut, 56cm x 56cm. Using gold and silver and black. Part of a series of men in suits I have embarked on.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Dark Kiss

Here's another men kissing image. Etching, not sure of title yet. 16.6 x 26cm


New image for an upcoming group show. A return to the theme of men kissing. This one's called Germ. It's a lino print. 17 x 17cm